House Mice
Description: Small in size with dark grey fur when living inside and more of a yellow brown when living outdoors, tail as long as its body, large hairy ears,
Mice in general are very small which is to their advantage when trying to enter a home. They create burrows as well as nests inside or outside the house and rarely live in sewers. Within their life span of a year they can produce 6-10 litters, of about 5-6 mice, making them a serious problem very quickly. They like to eat from multiple areas which increases the likelihood of seeing them around the house compared to a rat which likes to gorge on only a few locations.
Life span: 1 year.
Prevention measures
To best control or stop the House mouse, a few easy steps can be taken which include:
- Decrease the amount of food lying around.
- Cleaning after every meal is essential.
- Closing foods, and air locking them if needed.
- Keeping the doors shut at all times.
- Fixing holes in doors and windows.
- Filling in holes where pipes lead through.
- Buying guards for gutters.
- Covering lower parts of doors with a metal plate.
Call Infinity Pest Control on 1300 17 10 77 for your personalised control programme.